To grow in the image of Christ, who is also our High Priest, we are called to engage in a priesthood that bears both the anointing and responsibility to respond eagerly to God’s Will. In unity, through God’s grace, the SSGM priesthood seeks to model the love, life and service of Christ.
Bridge to Christ-centered Life Expresssions:
Scripture reveals the nature and mindset we need to adopt for our lifestyle to reflect the New Mandate.
Loving Like Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2):
It is God’s Will for us to love one another as He loves us. When we pray for others or reach out to encourage someone, we bring glory to God.
Living Like Christ (John 4:34):
To do God’s Will remains our primary objective so that we engage those around us, near and far, through relationships that bring glory to God.
Serving Like Christ (Mark 10:45):
As Christ came to serve, we are called to engage our time, talents, and resources to serve. When we teach or share the Word, we bring glory to God.