The third portion of the mission consists of sustainable economic Program initiatives because, as representatives of Christ, we are called to not only bear one another’s burdens but also to take them away, and build one another up. This component seeks to instill economic empowerment to the region’s individuals and families.
Viable economic programs will be identified within the context and natural endowments of each partnering region.
Driving Principles of Program Component:
b) Programs must have an impact and a recognizable influence on the community.
c) Employment will integrate the bible study cells and the prayer cells so that these are venues for drawing more people into spiritual liberty in Christ.
d) Programs must provide both economic empowerment to the community and spiritual empowerment so those people become trained and effective ministers of the Gospel.
e) A % of profits of all programs must be earmarked for the people of the community and will be invested into the community’s social programs, ongoing spiritual formation, and its infrastructure.